Thursday, August 23, 2012


                This entry may seem a little “light-hearted”, but sometimes when one is locked within the parameters of organic vegetable farming day in and day out, there is little to do than have a thoroughly enjoyable “good time”. And a “good time” I indeed had the other day while I was picking roma beans in Field 8 Row 17 at the farm.
                The weather had turned mild for the first time in months, meaning that sweat was not constantly pouring out of my pours. That was a pleasant change, and while I was picking beans, which can be quite the arduous chore, there was a “lightness” to the atmosphere. Why? My guess is that some things are finally being “caught up” on at the farm, and the endless pressure to weed and plant had diminished. Then…
Aww… a baby Mexican bean beetle! Isn’t it sooo cute??? I just couldn’t resist myself! I just had to pet it…
Oops! It splattered! Oh no! The poor little beetle… it is so delicate! But one just can’t contain oneself!
Ah, but further down the row…
…more Mexican bean beetle babies! They are so cute! Alas, I could not resist petting them also…
…Oops, again! I was so excited I could not even take a clear picture! But they are so delicate! I accidently smashed them again!
It was about this time that a song arose in my mind, only the lyrics had changed. The song was “Dream Weaver” by Gary Wright. It was the chorus that rung through my head… “Ooh, bean beetle, I believe you won’t make it through the night. Ooh, bean beetle, I believe you won’t see the morning light…”
Then I stumbled upon…
… two Mexican bean beetles transforming into the adult stage… “Ooh, bean beetles,…
“…I believe you won’t make it through the night…” Oops! Dagnabit! Another two Mexican bean beetles did not make it!
“Ooh, bean beetles…”
…wait a minute… what’s this? Why it is a baby stink bug, of the invasive Marmorated variety! It’s soo cute! One just has to pet it!
Wow that one exploded and shook the camera!
Where were we? Oh yeah! “Ooh, bean beetles…”
Oh my, but I stumbled upon a baby Mexican bean beetle to the top right of the picture, and a group of Mexican bean beetle eggs to the middle left… “I believe you won’t see the morning light…”
Oops, yet again! My how fragile they are. Alas, I stumbled upon hundreds of these creatures… and they all met the same fate! It seems somewhat… I don’t know… unfair how delicate those cute little creatures are, that by simply petting them they turn to goo! Why should they deserve such a fate? It could not possibly be that they devour bean leaves, plants… and beans in such a rapid fashion that if not for a little, actually a lot, of “play time” with these creatures, there would be no beans at all!!!
“Ooh, bean beetles…”

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